IEEE Distinguished Lecturer講演会

IEEE EMC Society Sendai Chapter

                                          Chair  嶺岸茂樹


IEEE EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer講演会を開催致しますので奮ってご参加下さいますようお願いいたします.参加費は無料,事前申し込みは不要です.


主催: IEEE EMC Society Sendai Chapter

併催:伝送工学研究会(主査:松浦 祐司)

日時: 1216日(月)15001630

場所: 東北大学大学院工学研究科 電子情報システム・応物系 南講義棟103講義室


講演題目:Multiphysics Methods for the Development of Miniaturized Passives with High Performance for 3-D RF Integrations

講演者:Wen-Yan Yin (Professor of Zhejiang University, IEEE Fellow)


Abstract of the Talk:

It is well-known that both reliability and performance of present-day 3-D RF integrated circuits and their packages cannot be completely understood or accurately predicted from electromagnetic considerations alone. For example, the physical characteristics of high-density interconnects and miniaturized RF passive as well as active devices are often affected by heat conduction and mechanical stresses/deformations, in extreme cases leading to electro-thermo-mechanical breakdown. Under such circumstances, predictive simulations and designs must rely on multiphysics computational approaches as opposed to electromagnetics- only methods. There exist many challenges in developing computational algorithms for rapidly and accurately analyzing electrothermal and electro-thermo-mechanical phenomena in miniaturized 3-D RF passives with complex geometries and material properties. For starters, most material parameters, such as permittivity, permeability, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and thermal expansion coefficients are temperature dependent.


This talk will be focused on multiphysics method for the development of miniaturized passives with high performance for 3-D RF integrations. Its outline is given as follows:

1. Background: Motivation: multiphysics methods provide many opportunities for all of us!

2. Experimental observation of temperature effect on the performance degradation of interconnects & passives, and even electro-thermal-mechanical breakdown events of active devices.

3. Hybrid time-domain finite element method (FETD) and its algorithm realization.

4. Electro-thermo-mechanical responses of various interconnects, RF passives and actives;

5. Conclusion.


Biography of the Speaker:

Prof. Wen-Yan Yin received his M.Sc. degree from Xidian University in 1989 and Ph.D. degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1994. Prior to joining ZJU he worked in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University as an Associate Professor from 1993 to 1996. He was a Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Duisburg University, granted by the Alexander von HumblodtStiftung of Germany from 1996 to 1998. Since December 1998 he has been with the MMIC Modeling and Packing Lab, Department of ECE of National University of Singapore (NUS) as a Research Fellow. In March 2002 he joined the Temasek Laboratories of NUS, as a Research Scientist. From April 2005 to December 2008 he was with the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering as a Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He was also the Director of Centre for Microwave and RF Technologies (CMRFT) of SJTU.

Dr. Yin has published more than 200 international journal articles including one international book, 15 book chapters and more than eighty IEEE Papers. Two invited chapters are published in the Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. He is an IEEE EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer from 2011 to 2012, the Guest Editor of IEEE Trans. CPMT, the Associate Editor of Int. J. Electron Networks, Devices and Fields, the General CoChair of IEEE EDAPS'2011, and the Editorial Board Member of Inter. J. Microwave CAE. He received numerous technology and best paper awards. IEEE Fellow.


問い合わせ: 陳 強 chenq @