IEEE EMC Society Japan/Sendai Chapter 会員各位
                           IEEE EMC Japan Chapter Chair 雨宮 不二雄
                          IEEE EMC Sendai Chapter Chair 井上 浩

Chapters主催 Joungho Kim先生(KAIST教授)講演会開催のご案内

IEEE EMC Japan 及び Sendai Chaptersは共同主催で、Joungho Kim教授を
お招きし、AP-RASC会場近くでIEEE EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer


日時 2010年9月24日(木)13:30〜15:00
会場 富山市民プラザ 3階 AVスタジオ
   (富山市大手町6番14号; 国際会議場に隣接)
Signal Integrity of TSV Based 3D IC
Prof. Joungho Kim
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea)

Recently, process dimensions of Silicon based semiconductor devices 
are reaching less than 20 nm scale. However, it suffers significant 
technical and business challenges including enlarged leakage current 
and considerable increase of investment budget. As a result, new TSV 
(Through Silicon Via) based 3D IC technology is emerging as a 
promising next generation IC technology in both semiconductor 
industry and academia. In the 3D IC, very thin semiconductor dies of 
less than 30 um are vertical stacked to minimize the package size 
and to maximize the semiconductor system performances. In the 3D IC, 
TSV is becoming the most critical vertical interconnection structure 
between the semiconductor dies. Around world, most of the 
semiconductor companies including Intel, IBM, TI, AMD and Qualcomm 
are seriously considering the TSV based 3D IC as a future direction 
of the semiconductor integration technology.

In the TSV based 3D IC, signal integrity is becoming the major design 
obstacle due to the high frequency loss, coupling, and 
electromagnetic radiation, while more than thousand of vertical and 
lateral interconnections are routed in a tiny 3D space. It could be 

even more serious in 3D IC for the applications of high-density and 
multi-function mobile multimedia, computing, and communication system 
platforms. In this talk, new modeling, measurement, design, and 
analysis approaches will be introduced in order to enhance the 
performance and reliability of the 3D IC.

会費 無料,事前申込み不要
主催:IEEE EMC Society Japan and Sendai Chapters